Next Chapter offers support to families who have experienced the death of a child.
Our support group is a friendly place where parents can come for a cup of tea and a listening ear. The group offers you a safe, confidential place to talk about your bereavement journey. It allows you to meet others who have experienced bereavement and are experiencing similar challenges.
Next Chapter Support Group is hosted by Brittany and Ruth.
It was the loss of baby Jeremiah, Brittany’s son and the subsequent journey of grief which inspired Next Chapter.
Each month our support group has a point of focus as we explore our bereavement journeys.
This focus varies from talks to innovate craft ideas in remembrance of your baby.
We host a monthly support group on a Thursday Evening.
It is held at Oak Farm Library, Meeting Room, Sutton Court Road, Hillingdon, UB10 9PB.
For more information or to find out the date of our next support group you can contact us via email, or alternatively you can call us on 01895 730036.
My Story
For as long as I can remember I have longed to be called ‘Mum’ and with each new baby I was living my dream.
Even when I was given the news that this life growing inside me wasn’t developing quite right, I refused to believe anything was wrong and of course everything would be OK. Yet this was not my reality!
Only living such a short life, Jeremiah died, something which was harder than I could have ever imaged or comprehended.
As I journeyed through my grief, I found myself leaning on a team of family members and friends who were willing to walk this road with me. A road which was painful to travel and at times didn’t seem as if I was moving at all.
I discovered the importance of friends that journey, friends who travel with you in your grief, friends that are there in every step to make the journey a little more bearable.
I too, am a friend who is willing to journey. Journey with others in their grief, in their pain and loss. This willingness to journey with others is what has that brought Next Chapter into being.
Even though Jeremiah never uttered a word, I am forever changed because he was. I am stronger, more courageous, more compassionate and convinced more than ever I am called to be ‘mum’.