My beautiful two year old climbs all over me with a couple of her baby dolls. She sits on my lap, constantly wriggling, as if to find the perfect spot that is even closer to me.
I have lots to do, so I suggest various play activities, however she is not content with a few kisses and a cuddle, then to move on; she wants to stay.
As she wriggles on my lap her play and chatter are occasionally interrupted by me receiving a loving kiss. Spontaneous, unprovoked, just because in that moment she wants to express her love for me.
I surrender to the situation, everything else can wait.
Let us sit a while, just you and me, no other distractions; talking, playing, enjoying the moment. Me loving you and you loving me.
I am so grateful that my Heavenly Father is never too busy, distracted or wanting to rush me out of His presence.
His invitation is always there for me to come, sit a while, to chat, to express my love for Him, just to be and to know His love.
“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! …..” 1 John 3:1