It is five thirty in the morning and my two and a half year old daughter comes running into the dark bedroom. Quickly she climbs and snuggles into her favourite spot – the middle of the bed. Her arrival having woken me up means a quick toilet visit is needed. I whisper “Cuddle Daddy, whilst I quickly go to the bathroom”. She instantly turns to cuddle into her Daddy. As I navigate my way in the dark, I hear her little voice declaring “Daddy, it’s me, it’s me, Daddy”
There in the dark, I pause and whisper ‘Daddy, it’s me, it’s me, Daddy’ and feel the rush of love of my heavenly Father fill the moment.
How wonderful it is to be known and loved by our Heavenly Father! How my heart aches for others to come and experience what it is to be known and loved by my Heavenly Father.
A passion which is shared by those I stand shoulder to shoulder with as we worship on a Sunday morning at Hope Community.
It is their inspiring stories of living out faith in the workplace, seeking to bring hope to the community in which they live and the natural way they choose to build friendships with those they encounter that fills me with joy.
For inspired by their Christian faith and being those who want to positively impact their community we see one volunteers as part of the Witness Service offering support to victims and witnesses who come to court to give evidence, another volunteers in the same area but offering support to young people.
Another having experience the loss of their child has set up a bereavement support group locally, Next Chapter. What a privilege it is to support those in the midst of grief and what a delight to find that through this friendships are being built.
There are those who run Hope’s Little Sensations toddler group, supporting and building friendship with local parents and carers. Another couple who invest in helping to lead another local parent and toddler group, all part of being salt and light in those places we find ourselves.
Still another has joined their local choral, what a great way to meet new people. For two of our men, who love football and have a heart to make a positive imprint upon the community we live, they choose to run a local football club, Legacy FC.
For our young people, including their friends in the life of their youth group seems natural and as they begin ‘Mission Academy Live’ in their small group in 2018 we are excited to be equipping them with the tools to help them invite and introduce their friends to Jesus.
These are just a few of the stories of those whose faith extends beyond a Sunday. Those who are finding fresh and relevant ways to be hope, to build friendships and share faith with those who are yet to know Jesus.
Inspired as I am, there is still ground yet to be made and steps of faith to take as we seek to be people who share the love and hope Jesus has to offer. We cannot do this alone, so together we rely on our Heavenly Father to lead and guide.